15 results found
If you would like to register, you will need your:
ScottishPower account number - this can be found on any bills or correspondence you have received from us. Postcode
When you have these details to hand, you can register for an online acccount here.
If the email address that you used to create your ScottishPower online account is inactive or you can no longer access it to retrieve our authentication emails, please get in touch using your preferred contact method below.
If you have a live account, a refund can be issued if:
You are billed within the last 28 days. You are billed to actual meter readings. Your account balance is in credit. Your combined electric and/ or gas balance is in credit.
It’s important to note that Direct Debit payments received within the last 5 working days cannot be included in the refund amount...
When I try to sign up for My ScottishPower, I get presented with a ‘something went wrong’ message?
If you get this message, please log out of your online account and then log in again via the My ScottishPower web page.
If you’re struggling to access your online account, please find helpful information here.
When I log into my online account, I get presented with more than one account number, which one do I select?
This may because you are responsib...
If the new tenant/owner contacts SP to open their account before you close your account this automatically closes your account. To provide your final reads and forwarding address please use our webchat option and one of our agents can update your details.
When you join ScottishPower, we will take an initial payment shortly after you come on supply. This ensures you start your account in credit and that if your energy usage is higher than anticipated, your account won’t go into a negative balance early on. As we gather more information about your usage, you can adjust your payment settings in your account....
What information do I need to setup my account
To complete the setup of your account, we will require the following
Your new address
The date you're legally responsbile for the property
Meter readings for your new property (if you have them)
Bank details (if you wish to pay by Direct Debit)
If you want to take over the account because you live in the same property as the deceased, we may be able to update the account so that it’s in your name.
If we can’t update the account, or if you don’t want to take over the account, we’ll close it. We’ll then issue a final bill to the person responsible for dealing with the deceased’s estate....
Find out if your account and home set-up are eligible by filling out our EV Optimise survey. If you’re eligible, we will send you an email with a link to sign up on the ScottishPower App.
If you’re already a ScottishPower customer you can find out if your account and home set-up are eligible by filling out our EV Optimise survey. If you’re eligible, we will send you an email with a link to sign up on the ScottishPower App.
If you aren’t a ScottishPower customer, you can ...
To apply, please login to your account and select the option ‘Help and Advice’. From the drop-down menu select the option Priority Services Register and click on the option to apply.
If you can’t login to your account, then you can call us on 0345 270 0700 from Monday to Friday 9am until 5pm.
If you’d like ...